A Django web app to post messages on my Pimoroni Galactic unicorn via MQTT
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flavien f65ecb6612
continuous-integration/drone/tag Build is passing Details
bump: version 1.2.5 → 1.3.0 [CI SKIP]
2023-06-18 14:29:19 +00:00
.devcontainer feat(CI): poetry venv + deployment folder 2023-06-18 14:28:20 +00:00
.vscode feat(features-complete): features complete version without tests, build and CICD pipelines 2023-06-17 14:01:29 +00:00
deployment feat(CI): poetry venv + deployment folder 2023-06-18 14:28:20 +00:00
django_app fix: smaller cidr for internal + quiet poetry for ci 2023-06-17 23:10:55 +00:00
.drone.yml feat(CI): poetry venv + deployment folder 2023-06-18 14:28:20 +00:00
.gitignore project init 2023-06-04 16:54:43 +00:00
.pre-commit-config.yaml feat(CI): poetry venv + deployment folder 2023-06-18 14:28:20 +00:00
CHANGELOG.md bump: version 1.2.5 → 1.3.0 [CI SKIP] 2023-06-18 14:29:19 +00:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2023-06-04 17:26:37 +02:00
README.md feat(docker): production docker image 2023-06-17 18:34:23 +00:00
poetry.lock feat(CI): poetry venv + deployment folder 2023-06-18 14:28:20 +00:00
pyproject.toml bump: version 1.2.5 → 1.3.0 [CI SKIP] 2023-06-18 14:29:19 +00:00



A Django web app to post messages on my Pimoroni Galactic unicorn via MQTT.



This project uses a devcontainer to provide a consistent development environment. The devcontainer is based on the official Python devcontainer.


This project uses poetry to manage dependencies. Poetry is installed in the devcontainer and can be used to install dependencies. Poetry is configured to not create a virtual environment, instead it uses the devcontainer's python environment. To install all the dependencies run the command: poetry install.


This project uses pre-commit to run checks on the code before committing. Pre-commit is installed poetry and can be used to install the git hooks. To install the git hooks run the command: pre-commit install. The pre-commit configuration is in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. To run the checks manually run the command: pre-commit run.


This project uses black to format the code. Black is installed by poetry and can be used to format the code. To format the code run the command: black . in the repo root folder.


This project uses mypy to check the types. Mypy is installed by poetry and can be used to check the types. To check the types run the command: mypy . in the unicorn_post folder.


This project uses pylint to check the code. Pylint is installed by poetry and can be used to check the code. To check the code run the command: pylint unicorn_post/* in the repo root folder.



The .devcontainer folder also contains a db.env file which is used to configure the development database.


  • implement production code
  • Add a CI pipeline => run poet tasks
  • Add semantic versioning => bump + release step
  • Add a CD pipeline => dockerfile, build and deploy on tag
  • Rewrite README
  • Add a test suite => what to test ? coverage (genbadge)